Friday, October 17, 2008

The Three Cs

I've discovered that the bane of my dietary well-being comes down to three Cs: chips, chocolate and cheese. I am admitting publicly (well sort of, for the 3 people who may read this) that I've officially lost my ability to control their intake. I've always held that chocolate and chips - but not necessarily chocolate chips - were two of the four major food groups (the other two, of course, being coffee/caffeine and good bread with butter). Sadly, I now think I'm wrong.
My name is Judi and I am an addict.


Leah said...

ummmmm yuummmy. I hear what you're saying girl!

hey - I tagged you

Danielle said...

Double that. Yum yum!

High Desert Diva said...

Yes...I know this well...

T.Allen said...

Coffee, carbs and cake here. Don't let them fool you, knowing is NOT half the battle. I've known for quite some time and I still have ALL of the weight!