Saturday, March 15, 2008

I give. She wins!

After months of trying to keep Kana off the couch, I give up. She has won. She has two points in her favor that were a big part of my relenting: she was allowed to sleep on the (different) sofa in my old house, and because she can't go outside by herself here - like she could at the house - it's the place in the apartment where she can find a sunspot (a vital ingredient in her life).
I was attempting to keep her hairy and often muddy little dog body from dirtying the beige futon cover, but alas alack, I can no longer. Besides, letting her sleep on the sofa often lets me sleep longer in the morning. I guess we both win.


capitolagirl said...

Awww.. I'm glad I came across your blog on Etsy forums. You make really nice jewelry!

Curly Girl Glass said...

Thanks for the nice words!

Constant Dreamer said...

How could you say no to that FACE? So cute!!
You can always get one of those pet hair rollers. :D

Leah said...

she looks really happy :)

Unknown said...

I support the subversion of power dynamics on your couch ... but only because Kana is such a sweetie! Sorry. :)